A resume of the points made below are contained in a leaflet on the subject which can be seen here.
What we shall do
Our complaints procedure is designed to make sure that we settle any complaints as quickly as possible. All written complaints and any verbal complaint which has not been successfully resolved reasonably quickly, will be acknowledged within 3 working days.
When we look into your complaint, we shall aim to:
- Find out what happened and what went wrong
- Make it possible for you to discuss the problem with those concerned, if you would like this
- Make sure you receive an apology, where appropriate
- Identify what we can do to make sure the problem doesn’t happen again.
- At the end of the investigation you will receive a written response.
The practice operates a complaints procedure in line with NHS regulations and the practice manager will be pleased to discuss any problems or complaints. Our reception team will be happy to give you further information about the complaints procedure. If you are unhappy with, or would like to see some improvement in the services offered by the practice, you may do this verbally (face to face or over the telephone - the receptionist will aim to deal with your complaint, or else will escalate your matter to the Practice Manager). Alternatively you may write to the Practice Manager who will respond to your complaint within the guidelines of the NHS complaints regulations. To assist you we have prepared a template where you can filll out the details of your complaint, view the form here. You may also have a representative advise the surgery of your complaint. A third party consent form can be found here.
You may also wish to consider The Independent Complaints Advocacy Service provided by Solihull Council: or 024 7669 7443 ext 228. fax 024 7669 6851. email: Independent Advocacy, Avenue M, Stonleigh Park, CV8 2LG.Support for anyone to make a complaint about the service, care or treatment provided to you by the NHS.
or POhWER providing Specialist Secure and Complex Advocacy Services in Solihull
Access the information on this page in BSL Sign Language
Telephone - 0300 456 2370 (charged at local rate)
Minicom - 0300 456 2364
Text - send the word 'pohwer' with your name and number to 81025
Email -
Skype - pohwer.advocacy
8am to 6pm Monday to Friday
Fax - 0300 456 2365
Post - PO Box 14043, Birmingham, B6 9BL
Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull are the independent local champions for health and social care. Their free and confidential Information and Signposting service can help people find the best support for their needs. This could include information on things like:
- Making a complaint
- Advocacy and patient rights
- Finding local support groups
- Registering with services
You can find contact details for both Birmingham and Solihull below.
Healthwatch Birmingham
Healthwatch Solihull
NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Or you can complain to the commissioner of your GP service. You can take your complaint to The NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board (ICB)
NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board (ICB) is responsible for planning and buying (commissioning) health services for people living in Birmingham and Solihull.
The ICB commission services from local hospitals, GP practices and other healthcare providers.
We welcome compliments, concerns and complaints, as this information can help us, not only to learn from patients’ experiences, but to make improvements to the services we commission. You can read our Complaints Policy.
We have a responsibility to ensure your complaint is investigated thoroughly, where the person affected by the issue is a patient at one of our GP practices in Birmingham and Solihull.
From 1 July 2023, NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB will hold delegated responsibility for complaints handling for primary care services; this includes GPs, dentists, pharmacists and opticians, and was previously the responsibility of NHS England.
These complaints will be managed by the Office of the West Midlands, Primary Care Complaints Team, hosted by NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB. This team will hold overall responsibility for the handling of the complaint through to completion. Please see the Complaints Policy Appendix 1 for the primary care complaints process.
Any concerns and or complaints which relate to our primary care services will be initially received by NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB's Patient Experience Team (contact details below) to undertake any local resolution in the first instance and only if this is unsuccessful will the complaint be referred into either the relevant primary care provider or referred to the Office of the West Midlands Primary Care Complaints Team to facilitate the complaints handling and investigation of the formal complaint.
If you send your concern to us by mistake, don’t worry, we will get your permission and send it on to the right organisation.
Your complaint should be made as soon as possible. This should be within a year of the event, or as soon as it came to your attention. You can make a complaint about something that has happened to you, or on behalf of someone else, if you have their permission.
Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman
If you remain dissatisfied with the responses to your complaint you can contact the Health Service Ombudsman as follows:
Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman; City Gate; Mosley St; Manchester; M2 3 HQ,
or visit the ‘Making a complaint’ page at
or call the customer helpline on 0345. 015 4033 from 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday
or send a text to their ‘call back’ service: 07624 813 005
Care Quality Commission
Tel: 03000 616161
Dealing with Unreasonable Behaviour
At Dorridge Surgery, we have a duty of care to our staff, patients and visitors to the surgery & at no time will any violent, threatening or abusive behaviour be tolerated towards staff, patients or visitors. For how we may deal with this please see the attached policy (DOCX, 18KB).