Useful Telephone Numbers
Dorridge Pharmacy |
01564 772118 |
Windridges Chemists - Knowle |
01564 772150 |
Age UK |
0121 705 9128 |
Solihull Hospital - Main switchboard |
0121 424 2000 |
Heartlands Hospital - Main switchboard |
0121 424 2000 |
Good Hope Hospital - Main switchboard |
0121 424 2000 |
Warwick Hospital - Main switchboard |
01926 495321 |
Samaritans |
0121 704 2255 |
Police - non urgent |
101 |
NHS 111 - non urgent |
111 |
Police - Ambulance - Fire - Emergency |
999 |
BM |
Bachelor of Medicine |
BSc |
Bachelor of Science |
Clinical Commissioning Group |
ChB |
Bachelor of Surgery |
DA |
Diploma in Anaesthetics |
Diploma in Child Health |
Diploma of the Faculty of Family Planning |
Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare |
Diploma in Geriatric Medicine |
Doctor of Nursing Practice |
Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
MB |
Bachelor of Medicine |
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery |
MB ChB |
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery |
Member Royal College of General Practitioners |
Patients Participation Group |
Registered General Nurse |
Domestic Abuse Support Available.
Domestic Abuse Aware Practice
If you are being hurt or controlled by your current or ex-partner, are afraid of someone at home or a member of your family, you can talk to doctors, nurses and other staff working here, in private.
For support, call:
BSWA Helpline - 0808 800 0028 and ask for the IRIS Worker.
If you are a woman, you can call the 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on freephone 0808 2000 247.
If you are a man, you can call the Men's Advice Line on 0808 8010 327.
If you have been violent or are worried about your behaviour call Respect on 0800 802 40 40.
Hubs Mobility Advise Service
Within the Solihull area there is a service that offers free advice to older and disabled people that have been advised to stop driving or are unable to drive. We aim to increase people’s independence, reduce isolation, loneliness and find solutions to enable people to continue to access the community, to attend appointments, social activities, and shopping, which are just a few areas we can help.
Please see attached leaflet regarding the service (PDF, 1.14MB). The service accepts self-referrals.
Solihull Family Information Service
Information for parents with children is available from the Solihull Family Inofrmation Service, a selection can be found by clicking on the appropriate link below.
View information on free childcare for 2 year olds
View information on free early education for three and four year olds
View general information for families with children aged 0 to 19 years of age
Harry Moseley Centre – As part of the Help Harry Help Others Cancer Charity the Birmingham Drop In Cancer Support Centre has been created based on a personal journey with Cancer. The centre has been created to offer a ‘home from home’ environment to patients and anyone touched by any type of cancer. Please see attached for details:
View more information about the Harry Moseley Centre
What you can expect when you are referred by your GP to see a specialist
If you ask your GP to refer you to a specialist, they will probably suggest that you first try various tests, or treatment options, to see whether your condition improves. Generally, you cannot self-refer to a specialist within the NHS, except when accessing sexual health clinics or accident and emergency (A&E) treatment.
A specialist will only see you with a letter of referral from your GP. The letter will give the specialist essential background information, such as your medical history, and it will also contain details that the specialist needs to pay particular attention to.
If you want to see a private specialist, you are still advised to get a letter of referral from your GP. However, whether you see a private specialist, with or without a GP referral, or are referred to an NHS specialist, your GP is not obliged to accept the specialist's recommendations. For more information, read: Do I need a referral for private treatment?