The practice employs medical secretaries and a team of administrative staff who deal with referrals, registration, claim forms, insurance reports and all other paperwork generated within the practice.

The practice employs a team of receptionists who will be pleased to make appointments for you and organise repeat prescriptions as well as dealing with your enquiries.
A health visitor is attached to the practice. She monitors the health and development of children and works with families to help them stay healthy. She also visits people with disabilities and the elderly.
The local Health Visiting Team (based at Balsall Common) offer clinics and support. They can be contacted on 01676 536850
A team of community nurses is attached to the practice and is based at Balsall Common.
We are supported by the Arden team of midwives. A midwife is available for care and advice during pregnancy and after childbirth by appointment at the surgery.
Tel: 0121 709 0209.
Physiotherapy is available by referral through your doctor.
The practice participates in the advanced training of doctors who wish to become general practitioners. GP registrars are fully qualified doctors who have worked for two or more years in hospital posts. They work with us for six or twelve months and share all aspects of medical care. Please accept their services as an extension of our own. Video cameras are sometimes used in training sessions. You will be informed if your consultation is being recorded; you do have the right to refuse if you so wish.
In addition, we sometimes have medical students working with us for short periods. We hope you will co-operate with us in giving students this valuable experience, but you do have the right not to have a medical student present whenever you see your doctor.

What commitment is involved to become a General Practitioner, a respected Doctor?
2 years?
3 years?
5 years?
More information here.
Named accountable GP for all patients
From 1 April 2015, GP practices will be allocating all patients (including children) a named, accountable GP.
The named GP is responsible for generally overseeing your medical care. However for your day to day consultations or if your named GP is not available you can continue to see any Doctor within the practice.
Individual patients will be informed of their named accountable GP at the first appropriate interaction with the practice. This may include letters you receive from the Practice, a note on your prescription, a visit to reception, a text message, to name a few. Patients are welcome to contact the surgery if they wish to know their named GP